Elliot Aboutboul
Elliot has several years of experience in global supply chain, loves by classic movies, bossa nova and Italian food. He ended up as a globetrotter, moving from country to country as an expat with his family. His wife Serena has an international career in a multinational company. He is now back in Switzerland for the second time, a place he really enjoys, following his global supply chain projects. However the idea of going further and develop his own business started to grow. The hard decision was define in which area. Them he met Jean.
Let’s Talk !
We believe in a better world. Better and fair. This simple ideology guides us to look for unique products, icons in their countries or regions, respecting nature, the human being and fair trade practices.
Starting our journey, we present the ABOUT BRAZIL product range, with two exceptional cachaças, each one with its unique flavor, history and passion.
ABOUT SILVER is an organic cachaça from the beautiful region of Chapada da Diamantina, state of Bahia, located at altitudes above 1,000 meters. Marcos Vaccaro, the producer, is an agronomic engineer, devoted to organic culture and fair income distribution. Yes, farm employees get a share of the profit!
You will also meet our ABOUT GOLD, an artisanal cachaça produced and aged in the state of Minas Gerais, a Brazilian historic region, witness of many battles for Brazilian independence. Minas Gerais is also famous for its productive farms and exuberant nature. Its high quality cachaças are a result of centuries of artisanal production with knowledge passed from generation to generation.